Brad's Blog

Brad Carlyon, Navajo County Attorney

United for Protection: How All Adults Play a Crucial Role in Safeguarding Our Children

The safety and well-being of our children are responsibilities that transcend individual roles and titles. As your Navajo County Attorney, I am deeply committed to child advocacy. I am passionate about emphasizing the critical role that all adults play in protecting our children from harm. In this blog post, I am honored to shed light on the collective effort required to create a safe and nurturing environment where every child can flourish.

Creating a Web of Care. Just as a spider weaves a web to catch its prey, we must create a "web of care" to protect our children. This web is woven by the collective efforts of parents, caregivers, teachers, neighbors, community leaders, and professionals. By staying vigilant and attentive to the needs of children, we collectively create a safety net that prevents harm and provides support when needed.

Recognizing Signs of Distress. Every adult has the power to recognize signs of distress in children, whether it's changes in behavior, withdrawal, sudden mood shifts, or unexplained physical injuries. By staying observant and attentive, we can identify potential red flags and take proactive steps to ensure a child's safety and well-being.

Reporting Suspected Abuse. All adults have a legal and moral obligation to report suspected child abuse or neglect. If you witness or suspect any form of harm, it is your duty to report it to the appropriate authorities. Timely reporting can make a profound difference in protecting a child from further harm and ensuring that they receive the support they need.

Being a Trusted Adult. Children benefit greatly from having multiple trusted adults in their lives. By building positive relationships with the children around us, we create an environment where they feel comfortable seeking help, sharing their concerns, and asking questions. Being a source of support and guidance can have a lasting impact on a child's well-being.

Modeling Safe and Respectful Behavior. As adults, we serve as role models for children. By demonstrating safe and respectful behavior in our interactions, we teach children valuable lessons about boundaries, consent, and healthy relationships. Our actions and words shape their understanding of what is acceptable and appropriate.

Empowering Children's Voices. All adults have a duty to empower children to use their voices and advocate for themselves. Encourage children to express their feelings, ask questions, and seek help if they ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable. By valuing their perspectives and encouraging open communication, we help them build confidence and self-assurance.

Promoting Prevention and Education. By advocating for child safety initiatives, supporting child advocacy centers, like the Navajo County Family Advocacy Center, and promoting prevention and education programs, we contribute to a culture where child protection is a priority. Through community awareness and education, we create a ripple effect that extends far beyond individual interactions.

Protecting our children from harm is a shared responsibility that transcends roles, titles, and affiliations. Every adult has a role to play in creating a safe, nurturing, and protective environment where our children can thrive. I am dedicated to working alongside you to promote child safety and advocate for the well-being of our youngest members. Together, we can build a united front that safeguards our children and ensures that their futures are filled with promise, safety, and love.